Sunday, May 20, 2012

little lady

Avery's 4th birthday was this past week! Such a fun week! We took a day trip to the childrens zoo, fed some goats, pet a snake, sat and watched the sea lions underwater for-ev-er, rode like every single ride there, and relived every last bit of my little girlhood. This was the same zoo I went to growing up!  Nostalgia nostalgia.
Then we had a pb&j lunch and came home and opened presents from me! This girl is too precious. She says the sweetest things at the most random times. Or tells some cute story. The other day she said "You know, when humpty dumpty fell off the wall and broke himself, God came and fixed him! He healed him right Liz? Because God can heal us when we get hurt!"....  So sweet.

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