Monday, February 27, 2012

tea party

Valentines Tea Party!
Myself and friend Brenda, owner/artist of The Paper Rose are suuuuper into party throwing and decorating, so we decided to bless our friends on the prettiest winter day at the beautiful Romine home! (Brenda + her hip chef/dentist husband Rich.) We had a variety of hot teas, pink things, delicious sweets and sandwiches, and a bunch of party heads. I've shared this everywhere else and just had to share it here too! Loved this day!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

                                               -Philippians 2:1-2

I love this chapter so much. Paul is in effect saying 'the attitude of mind I have been urging on you is exactly that of Christ himself.' Christ who provides our encouragement, comfort of love, and fellowship of the Spirit. Who fills us with all joy. Be unified in Him. Keep the bond of love by being of one mind (for the Lord). Not warring against one other. Not complaining about each other or being resentful over the silliest things. Treat others as more important than yourself, consider their needs first. Have a spirit of meekness and peace; gentleness; patience; building one another up in love! Thinking not on self, but on Christ, who emptied himself. Who came not to be served, but to serve. So beautiful.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oh hi!

Dear friends,
Welcome to my new little space! I'll still be sharing the same tales of my life, photos, pretty tunes, yum recipes, joyful things, and heart for jesus. My old In Wanderland tumblr is as of now, on the backburner. Spring is coming and I just wanted something new! So hi!

I've been daydreaming about California lately. A LOT. The ocean, the freshness, the beautifulness, the healthy vegan foodie options everywhere, beach bike cruisering every single day, backyard fruit trees, adventures, ocean, ocean...ocean. The magical day that I find a church and a job, I'm packing my bags!

My heart is about to burst for my wonderful friends who will be traveling to UGANDA in under two weeks! I had been hoping/planning to join them on this beautiful journey, but instead have been given the incredible opportunity to pray for them as they prepare... for the precious loves at Sanyu babies home, and the Kwagala ladies! I've seen the Lord provide in such overwhelming ways for this group and his little loves overseas, and can't wait to hear about the impact on all of these hearts!

Hope you're all stuffed with pizza and happy and have beach boys in your ears.
Love, Liz

Dress from: Dear Creatures