Thursday, April 5, 2012

I finally got to visit some of my sweet friends for a tea lunch and hear all about the Uganda trip yesterday! Oh my soul was blessed to hear how the Lord has worked in their lives before/during/after that journey. I just adore these ladies! And one returned with this beeeeautiful necklace. It's not quite orange, but a stunning burnt apricot color. Oh I love it! Not sure if it was made at The Kwagala Project, but I believe so! For those that don't know, these necklaces start as recycled paper which is then cut up and hand rolled into small beads and formed into a necklace. And it's the livelihood of many of the women there! So incredible. If you'd like to read up more on the trip and see some really beautiful video clips, go to Jade's blog here at: In Awe Of Your Grace.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you love your necklace! And yes, it's from the Kwagala Project! If any of your friends want some of their jewerly, I've been selling it at Arrendales since December! I have lots of fun colors and 100% of the money goes to the Kwagala Project woman that made the piece! XO
