Friday, March 2, 2012

spring love

Can we all take a minute to be so happy that spring is coming soon?! Yesterday morning I woke up to birds singing outside my window! Birds! It was one of those super dreamy disney moments. You know, like when they come in your open window and make the bed and fly your apron on? Cinderella guys, geez!  I am just freaking out that soon very soon I'll be able to ride my ol zero speed bike every single day again. The hills are torture but it's purple and kinda rusty and just a gem! Lots of memories with this bike. All the country people in my town growing up had lilac bushes in their front yards and so the scent swarmed me on rides during the summer. So magical.

Favorite things this week:

- Chobani apple cinnamon greek yogurt. So crazy delicious.

- Cutting hearts out of burlap last night to make gift tags for the kwagala girls! My grandpa proceeding to tell the story of how he forgot about valentines day one year when they were just young little he came home, took a newpaper, cut two huge hearts out of it and pasted them on the wall. Oh goodness.

- Speaking of! (his name is Rex) Thank you for your prayers. The Lord is working in his body and mind and it is SO evident. He is doing so much better! Coolest thing is that his new doctor gave them books as homework and they're all nutritionally based for reversing heart disease! 100% all vegan/veg recipes! Yesss! My grandma asked me what hummus was tonight. Oh man she has no idea what she's missing!  I kinda talk about my grandparents a lot huh? They are just super special people and so dear to me!

- The Wonder Years on netflix. Pretty much wanted to be winnie cooper growing up.

- Bosphorous Cafe. Turkish food! Favorite restaurant in Indy. If I had a flying car I would be here for lunch every single day. It is 

- Wooden heart necklace gifts from friends!


♥ Liz


  1. Oh my goodness, I heard the birds for the first time last week on the way to work and I was soooo happy! They sounded glorious and chipper and full of Spring anticipation. I can't wait until it warms up for good!!!

    1. yes!! so happy. I've decided I only want to live somewhere where it's winter ONLY at christmastime! so ready for open windows and bare feet in grass and flower planting! <3
