Thursday, March 22, 2012

A couple instagram shots from my wild 11 hour day today! Woosh! This little lovie is Avery. Look at those pink converse! She's 3.5 and a ball of wonderful. The Lord provided this precious opportunity to help out this amazing family in town...which means I get to hangout with cool kids all day! It's been the sweetest time getting to know them and encouraging them. My day today consisted of: singing in the car, watching sprout, fingerpainting, reading stories, playing in the park, shooting baskets, peanut butter and jellies, bird watching, flower picking, and trying to prevent multiple meltdowns from a girl who wouldn't take a nap. So awesome! And the part that I love the most is that we get to talk about Jesus. The other day in the car Avery said out of nowhere: "Jesus and God live in my heart, but Jesus's friends can't... not enough room in there, sorry!"....Oh my word, so dang cute! And today she fingerpainted the story of when Jesus calmed the storms and told me all about it! So grateful for her little heart that loves to talk about these things!


  1. Oh, I just died of sweetness! What a little beauty. She is lucky to get to hang out with you all day long. Are you watching her on a regular basis?

  2. Yes maam! 36 hours a week until school is out! Wild huh! Never knew jobs as fun as this existed!

  3. What a blessing to have a fun job! I can totally seeing you being the coolest nanny EVER!!! You make me smile!:)
